Since the launch of the book we have been overwhelmed by all the letters, emails and Amazon reviews. Although Jack can't read very well, as a family we have read all reviews to him. Thereby demonstrating that he is forever involved in his project of Flying High In The Sunlit Silence.
As seen on TV
from BBC News at bbc.co.uk/news
Kerrie Highcock
Family Development Officer @ North East autism society
Jacks book is a delight! It is wonderful to see how using art has supported Jack to manage through a period of great anxiety. His illustrations are beautifully detailed showing real skill and precision. This book is sure to brighten up the day of anyone who reads it.
Well done Jack
Sherin Aminossehe
Artist and Architect
Social media can be a wonderful thing and it was because of Twitter that I came across Jack Berry’s wonderful art. “Flying High in the Sunlight Silence” is a special collection of art from a talented young man. His drawings are colourful, vibrant, beautifully observed and show the passion of the artist. My own personal favourite, the sensitive and translucent Dakota on the cover is the embodiment of the title, a metal bird hanging in the sky, surrounded by speckles of blue beneath a burning sun. If you love aviation and appreciate art, this is the book for you and even better you will be supporting a brilliant charity, SSAFA that both Jack and I care about as a fellow artists.

One aircraft
3 Artists!
Sherin Aminossehe: Sea King ASaC7

Jack Berry: Sea King HAR3

Spencer Trickett: Sea King HAR3

Siân Dixon BA Hons, PGCE
Resident artist at South Wales Aviation Museum
Jack's book encompasses a stunning collection of facts, anecdotes, and beautifully painted illustrations.
It was lovely to be one of a few artists asked by Sara (Jack's mum) to advise on some of the materials and techniques which artists use. Through experimenting creatively Jack has developed his own unique style.
The paintings are a joy, I particularly like the F-16 painting, with the angular mark-making and the orange fiery glow of the afterburner, which contrasts nicely against a cool blue sky.
Congratulations and well-done Jack for all your hard work to create a fabulous book in support of the Armed Forces charity SSAFA.
Squadron Leader Stuart (Roxy) Roxburgh
Aircraft Commander & pilot on Crew 3 of CXX Squadron

This is a fantastic book. Young Jack has problems communicating with other people; however, he loves drawing and painting; particularly aeroplanes. When Jack’s Mum asked if I would be willing to help by telling him a little bit about the aircraft that I used to fly, I was delighted to help. When Jack found out that some of my friends had died in Afghanistan when their aircraft crashed (and coinciding with the current support for the NHS), he asked if he could add some rainbows to his picture of my aeroplane - well, what could I say? It got a bit dusty where I was. Anyway, not only has this book helped Jack, the paintings are magic and it is providing some good for some charities. So, if you’ve got a spare ten quid burning a hole in your pocket, you should consider buying Jack’s book!

James Warden
BBMF Dakota Air Loadmaster

5 Stars from the Royal Bear Force